Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is a ninja?

Now this is a topic that can be discussed and debated on for hours. A ninja is mysterious. We all know this. They are also ridiculously awesome. Nobody really knows where ninjas come from or why they are so awesome. The bottom line is that a ninja is a mysterious human being that is ridiculously bad ass with super duper awesome combat skills. Through my research and study I have begun to theorize that many of the more modern ninjas are also delectable chefs.

According to Google a ninja is "a person skilled in ninjutsu". Talk about a ridiculous answer. If a 6th grade student turns me in a definition that includes the same word of the word being searched I tell him to go fix that crap up. Regardless based upon this definition it is clear to me that Google would rather waste my time with giving me crappy definitions of a ninja instead of simply providing the definition.

Bottomline: Ninjas are bad ass.

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