Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why are ninja's so darn awesome to me?

Hmmm... As long as I can remember I have always loved ninjas. I loved the ninja turtles, bloodsport, Billy Blanks (this was before Thai Bo, He was an awesome martial arts actor), Bruce Lee, Sub-zero, Scorpion, Ryu, Ken (if you get the last 4 references your awesome), Ninja Gaiden, Jean Claude-Van Damme, and of course Milo and Otis.

In 5th grade I was an above average size child. Somehow at a very young age I had succumb to the belief that milk was so good for me that if I drank it I would become thinnner. The problem is that if any human being drinks 8 to 10 glasses of 2% milk a day they are going to become fat. That is 40 to 50 grams of fat from milk alone. This would be like eating a cube of butter. The fact that I wasn't morbidly obese baffles all scientific research and theory.

But back to the point. I don't' know what it is. As long as I can remember I have considered martial artists to be super bad ass. Then add a mysterious ninja way to it and I just think it is awesome. I really could care less if anyone agrees with me. This is not something I have a need to defend. Simply put, in my perception of the world Ninjas are bad ass. And I want to be one.

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